President (2-year term)
The President shall be the chief executive of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the corporation. He/She shall preside at all membership meetings and all committees except the nomination committee. He/She shall have the power to appoint such committees as necessary. He/She shall have one vote only in case of a tie. The President or his duly appointed representative shall attend all West Coast Conference meetings. The president shall also be liaison to the city parks department and the public school system, whichever is necessary.
Executive Vice President (2-year term)
In the absence of the President, the Executive Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers and perform such duties as from time to time may be prescribed for him/ her by the President, or Board of Directors. In case of vacancy in the Office of President, the Executive Vice President shall automatically succeed to that office and serve for the un-expired term to disburse funds. The Executive Vice President shall head the Tribunal when necessary; conduct an annual review of insurance policies and /or competitive pricing analysis and coverage (defense and indemnification).
The Executive Vice President shall also work closely with the Fundraising Director and is responsible for the development of a sponsorship program with businesses and other organizations in the area, as the Board shall direct. He/She are responsible for the training and organization of the team parents and shall disseminate information to the team parents regarding sponsorship, as the Board shall direct. He/She shall be responsible for the production of an annual program highlighting Ranch Bernardo Pop Warner Football.
Administrative Vice President (2-year term)
The Administrative Vice President is the chairmen of the coaches committee. He/She shall call for and receive all applications for coaches. He/She shall review for accuracy and eligibility, noting his/ her recommendations and present the applications to the Board Directors for action. The Administrative Vice President shall notify all applicants of the Board action. The Administrative Vice President shall act as liaison between the Head Coaches and the Board, relaying all items of concern and information between these two parties. He/She may not be a head coach.
VP of Cheer (2-year term)
The VP of Cheer is responsible for pre- registration, registration, correction and notification of cognizant Association and Conference personnel for cheerleaders following procedures set forth by the Board of West Coast Conference. The VP of Cheer will further call for and receive all applications for Cheer Advisor and Assistants. The VP of Cheer shall be responsible for the recruitment, training and coordination of cheer coaches and cheerleaders and shall disseminate information to the cheer coaches.
Secretary (2-year term)
The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a book of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a register showing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all the Directors and members. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the by-laws of the Association and shall have said by-laws present at each meeting. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association. The Secretary, upon receipt of any correspondence communication or other material, shall notify the President and route the material as directed. The Secretary shall act as liaison between the Board and Team Moms, relaying all items of concern and information between these two parties.
Football Player Agent (2-year term)
The Player Agent is responsible for pre-registration, registration, physical examinations, the preparation of preliminary, official, and subsequent rosters and changes thereto, correction and notification of cognizant Association and Conference personnel for football players following procedures set forth by Board of West Coast Conference. The Player Agent shall assign players to teams in accordance with force directives and policy. The Player Agent shall be accountable for team contracts and shall provide Head Coaches and the Board with complete team rosters. He/She must have computer access.
Cheer Player Agent (2-year term)
The Cheer Player Agent is responsible for pre-registration, registration, physical examinations, the preparation of preliminary, official, and subsequent rosters and changes thereto, correction and notification of cognizant Association and Conference personnel for cheerleaders following procedures set forth by the Board West Coast Conference. Cheer Player Agent shall assign cheerleaders to teams in accordance with operative directives and policy. The Cheer Player Agent shall be accountable for team contracts and shall provide Head Coaches and the Board with complete team rosters. He/She must have computer access.
Treasurer (2-year term)
The treasurer shall maintain adequate and correct accounts of the business transactions of this Association. The treasurer shall promptly deposit all monies and other valuables in the name of and to the credit of the Association with such depositories as shall be designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of this Association in such a manner as may be ordered by the Board of Officers and account for all transactions as Treasurer. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following receipt of the monthly bank statements. All accounts shall be balanced and reconciled and copies of each made available for each Board member present. An auditing committee, appointed by the President, shall audit the financial records and all Association property and shall present their report at the first meeting in February of each year. All checks drawn on this Association shall have two signatures as designated by the Board of Directors. All disbursements exceeding three hundred fifty dollars must have prior approval by the Board.
Football Equipment Manager (2-year term)
The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for selecting, purchasing, and disbursing all Association property as directed by the Board. The Equipment Manager shall inventory all equipment and property of the Association at the close of the playing season and report to the Board in January of each year. The equipment manager shall advise the Head Coaches and team equipment managers on the proper care, maintenance, and use of all uniforms and equipment and report any violations of his instructions to the Board.
Little Scholar’s Representative (2-year term):
The Little Scholar’s Representative shall be responsible for the collection of all report cards and filling out any and all forms necessary for the Little Scholars Program. Little Scholar Representative shall be responsible for recognition at the Association level.
Field Coordinator (2-year term)
The Field Coordinator is responsible for all fields’ administration, including liaison with proper parties who acquire practice and game fields. He/She is responsible for the acquisition and setup of any scoreboards, PA systems, or other electrical devices; the line to gain chain, down box, sideline markers, and field liners and materials, as well as proper alignment of playing fields. The Field Director is responsible for ensuring that game fields are set up prior to games, broken down following completion of games and clean-up.
Cheer Equipment Manager (2-year term)
The Cheer Equipment Manager shall be responsible for selecting, purchasing, and disbursing all Association cheerleading property as directed by the Board. The Cheer Equipment Manager shall inventory all cheer equipment and property of the Association at the close of the playing season and report to the Board in January of each year. The Cheer Equipment Manager shall advise the Cheer Coordinator and Head Coaches on the proper care, maintenance and use of all uniforms and equipment and report any violations of her instructions to the Board. This member would also coordinate vendor contracts to insure the most advantageous purchase and/or lease agreements.
Concessions Director (2-year term)
The concessions director is responsible for the setup and operation of any concession stands as the Board may direct. He/She shall recruit, train, and supervise volunteers to operate any such facilities, as the Board shall direct. He/She will maintain records, subject to audit of all purchases and sales of all items in concession stand.
Publicity / Web Master (2-year term)
The publicity /Web Master shall establish lines of communication with available media. He/She shall insure that proper notification of all meetings is made to same. The Publicity /Web Master shall further ensure that articles of interest concerning Rancho Bernardo Pop Warner registration, events games, etc. are furnished to the media.